Professional Translation Services

Accurate translations available in Bulgarian, Hebrew, English, Russian, or any other language.

Професионални преводачески услуги

שרותי תרגום מקצועים

Точни преводи на български, иврит, английски, руски и всеки друг език

תרגומים מדויקים בבולגרית, עברית, אנגלית, רוסית וכל שפה אחרת

Точные переводы на болгарский, иврит, английский, русский и любой другой язык.

white book page on black textile
white book page on black textile

Our translation agency offers a wide range of services including business translations, personal document translations, and consultancy services. We work with all languages.

Our Services

Centel provided excellent translation services for my business documents. They are highly professional and delivered the work on time.

Customer Reviews

Centel is a registered translation agency based in Bulgaria since 2007. We specialize in accurate and high-quality translations in various languages.

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